Google Entering Gaming Business Game Console & Streaming Services


Google Gaming

The gaming business has got huge growth in the Industry & the following population has increased exponentially high. Knowing the growth as a business, it doesn’t there is no surprise that we might be new and existing brands getting into this business. Talking about these businesses, Google is planning to get into this gaming business with their Gaming console and streaming platform (Source from Kotaku).

Looking at the past, Google was already interested in the Gaming business when they acquired Twitch in 2014. In the recent activity at Game Developers Conference held in March, Google representatives had met gaming companies discussing about the streaming platform. Early this year, we also saw about “Yeti” which was nothing but a code name given to Google’s project. The sources got confirmation about Google’s Streaming platform when they held a meeting in LA, where they heard the need of a game developer.

Talking about the gaming console, it was said that, console can be used in the stream platform as well as independently. With these consoles, it is clear that Google is definitely going to give a huge competition to the Xbox and Playstation or these brand will have to take a step further.

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