One Piece Chapter 921 – Release Date & Spoiler


One Piece chapter 921

Chapter: One Piece Chapter 921

Release Date: 18 October

Status: Released

Note: This Article might contain Spoiler

One Piece chapter 920 was more like storytelling about Oden. So let’s read the story This place which is called the Oden Castle was actually known as Kuri Castle. The reason why people call it an Oden castle was because Master Oden was beloved by the people in Kuri.

According to the Kin’emon, his Master Oden got into fights one after another & was exiled from the Flower capital. Talked about Lawless place, Kuri he then revealed how Oden went to Kuri & fought Ashura Douji who was considered as the most dangerous man out of all Evildoers & he defeated him.

Later Oden rounded up the ruffians from the land and raise them to & taught them to work for the betterment of the town & built the Paradise farm to create a free lively place. Later when Shogun Sukiyaki heard about his good deeds he name him “Diamyo Of Kuri”

But because of some reason, Oden was taken to the Flower Capital and executed as a Criminal. Kin’emon escaped somehow from the Flower capital. But during their escape, Nekomamushi & Inuarashi were caught. This is how they landed in the Wano country 20 years ahead

Now Luffy and other are in their journey to take down “Orochi” & “Kaisou” so that they can teach them a lesson. According to Kin’emon, the plan will commence in two weeks time in the night of the Fire festival & on the same day they will commence raid on Onigashima.

What Can We Expect From One Piece Chapter 921:

As we already know that in two weeks we will see an attack on the castle, but one thing which is uncommon here is to keep Luffy silent. In the next chapter, we will be seeing how the Alliance joins the force to get down the Oden castle.

In this chapter, we will see their moment to get down the Oden castle. We will also see the arrival of the Mink Tribe called the Musketeers & the Guardians. This episode will be the big rebellious moment in the One Piece series.

Release Date: 

This might be disappointing for you to know that we will have to wait a week for the release of One Piece chapter 921. Which means that we will have to wait until 18th October for One Piece 921.