One Piece Episode 858 – Release Date & Spoiler


One Piece Episode 858

One Piece Episode 858: Another crisis! Gera 4 v/s Unstoppable Donuts!

Release Date: 21 October

One Piece Episode 857 is out & we finally got to see the Wedding Cakes progress & Luffy beating Katakuri. It was not that Luffy was overpowering Katauri completely as it lasted for just a few minutes & we saw Katauri’s new power. Whereas on the CoCo island Sanji is almost done with the cake.

One thing that we were not aware of that Oven is there in the CoCo Island so that they could capture Luffy and his crew. Big Mom on the other end is at Nuts Island & we will see how he will ruin the Nuts Island in the further episode.

In this Article, we are going to talk about its release date & also Spoiler.


In this Article, it is going to be about Katakuri’s new Donuts like power & Luffy’s 4th Gear.  Luffy has already figured Katakuri’s power & he is aware of how to hit him. This time it will be a tough fight between Luffy & Katakuri. We are going to see an intense battle on how both the pirate’s furious fight.

We are also expecting to see Big Mom destroying the Nuts Island because thinking it as the Wedding cake. Whereas Oven is a concern, he will be waiting with the Big Mom’s Pirate to capture Luffy, but this will not be seen in this episode.

What we are waiting for is to see Luffy defeating Katakuri. If these episodes are going according to Manga, we might see Katakuri on his back. But before that, we will see how Luffy will overcome his new form. We are also expecting to see Charlotte Flambe in the coming episode, but not sure which.

Release Date: 

The best part is that One Piece Episode 858 is not delayed. It will release on 21 October on their regular timing. If there is an update on the schedule, we might update here.