Pro Tips for Better Thesis Writing


A dissertation is known to be an independent work of undergraduate studies. It aims to get some original research work relating to a definite topic, as you will get to learn it on A master’s degree is typically connected with writing a thesis. Below in this article, we will cover the Pro Tips for Better Thesis Writing.

Thesis writing is the most challenging and most protracted work for students to complete, but it is the most rewarding because students can choose the topic of their interest and deal with it. One needs to plan and acquire some research skills which shall have great future career values.

A student needs to choose a topic that they have some clue about to have where to refer from. Choosing the right topic will make you have some reference for a student’s literature search. Here are some ways of writing a thesis.

Consolidating your time

Writing a thesis can be the most challenging job, even if you are always organized.

Pro Tips for Better Thesis Writing
Pro Tips for Better Thesis Writing

General structure

There is a standard structure that is followed when writing a dissertation. For a master’s degree, some universities may require you to submit your work in different sections than giving it out as one single document. The sections are often divided into three different folds;

Introduction including research proposal

The first part of thesis writing should outline the research question that the student intends to explore and give out some ideas on what you would suggest on that particular topic. It would be best if you had a particular theoretical foundation though being sketchy because, at that time, you would have not yet gone through it. You should also know the reason for studying this particular issue.

Methodology and Literature Review 

The two are combined since what one intends to emerge from the preceding literature. 

Results and Discussion 

The section explains what one has done, your findings, and arguing it out in the literary context.

When submitting a dissertation like one work piece compared to submitting it separately, it may be easier not to write it in an orderly manner. You may first begin by doing a literature review then doing the methodology. You may write the introduction as the last part once you are done with your arguments’ flow.

Styles of Writing

The students formerly wrote thesis writing in passive voice and third person format. However, various journals have shifted and started using the first person, active voice format, e.g., ‘I did an experiment to confirm…’ 

With whatever writing style you may use, it should be kept simple. Using short sentences makes it easier to trail as it is kept simple. 

The role your academic supervisor plays

Your supervisor’s work is to monitor your progress but not tell you how you should do it or work it out for you. Some will have little time to spend with you as they would be busy; hence they would require to monitor your daily progress. Others would be willing to spare their time to talk about how you are to go about your research.

It would be better to build a better relationship with one’s supervisor, and you get to understand how they would support you in some areas such as; 

The number of times they would be meeting you as you carry out your research.

The number of drafts that your supervisor would be comfortable reading. Though many academics would read preliminary drafts, some only read the first draft as stipulated by the university guidelines. 

Formatting and creation of templates

If your campus requires a specific format for writing your thesis or giving a template, you would be required to use it. Templates help in making your work to be accessible. Write the tasks in the templates. Please don’t wait until it is almost the deadline. The references and writing styles would also depend on your campus, be it APA, MLA, or other styles.


You have to create more time to proofread your work to make sure that your workflows steady. Proofreading may take longer than you think. You may exchange your work with a fellow student and swap your thesis for proofreading.

Editing the language

The academic publishing language internationally is English. English may be a problem for a student whose first language is not English. You will either approach someone whose first language is English to help you improve your thesis or pay some editor to do your work.


Always ensure that you submit your work for revision on time to be easy for someone else to go through your work.

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