Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?

Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?
Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?

One of the most horrifying things a person can experience with a computer is when it crashes. We often are so shocked, we freeze. We start looking for buttons to press, yet nothing happens. All you can do is try to keep turning it on, probably making the entire situation worse. It’s a wonder as to why our computer’s crash, and keep doing it repeatedly. below in this article, we will cover the Why Does My Computer Keep Crashing?

There are all sorts of reasons this happens that most people don’t realize. We need a solution fast and would prefer not to wait. Hopefully, these reasons can tell you why your computer keeps crashing every time you use it.


Believe it or not, your computer can get tired just like you can. Heat can cause it to crash all together without any notice. It’s one of the top reasons crashes occur in the first place. Most times we can tell when the computer is hot. It’s typically very hot to the touch of the hand. This might also mean the fan is broke. This situation gives the computer no way to cool it down. 

If your computer becomes overheated, then turn it off. Click out of all applications and shut it down. A hot machine often means you have no fan working to cool it down. You’ll need to get the fan fixed, or you’ll bring more harm to your system. 


You might be experiencing nasty malware that has crept onto your computer’s system. You either picked up the virus from a document on a USB drive that was corrupt, or you visited an infected website. However, malware doesn’t always shut down the computer, although it can cause crashing. It feeds off your system and begins spreading itself all across your computer’s coding. This is why all computers should have protection software installed.

When you discover you have malware, use a program to rid it from your system. Avoid aimlessly visiting websites you’re not familiar with and downloading unknown programs. This can bring malware to your computer fast. Over time, it will work its way through your system, causing it to crash often. 


Your computer can crash simply because the hardware is getting old. Your RAM could be failing the system and not allow it to stay on for too long. Bad RAM will keep it in a state where it crashes every time you use it. The hard disk is dying slowly. Each crash lets you know it’s near the end.

No Driver Updates

While you work on your computer, you’ll often get a reminder from that essential application drivers to the computer need updating. These could be programs within the operating system that came with the computer.

Keep your divers updated on your computer at all times. These drivers allow the computer to operate. You often get a notice that it’s time to update the drivers, which you shouldn’t ignore. 


If you don’t clean your computer regularly, you can have dust particles within the hardware near the circuit board that’s dirty. Never sit for long periods with a laptop that’s piling up in dirt. There is such a thing where dust can cause computer system damage. If your fans don’t work, then there’s nothing keeping the inside hardware free of debris.

If your computer it filthy and there’s dust everywhere, then your computer may shut down often. It gets even worse when you don’t have a working fan to clean out the dirt inside the hardware. Use air blowers to keep your system clean of dust and dirt.

How Do I Fix it?

These are some of the reasons a computer will crash. We use our computers daily, and it’s best to make sure we maintain them. Constant crashing brings anger and frustration. When the solutions mentioned above aren’t working, head to a working device to search for professional laptop service near you. An IT technician can diagnose your system and fix it for you in no time.

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