Why Your Business’ Needs Don’t Stop With Digital
Business owners have taken to digital like a duck to water, and why wouldn’t they? Digital capabilities provide the seamless workflow, unparalleled mobility, and access to a wide variety of talent, clients and business offering. Despite this fact, digital is not a bandaid that we can apply to all areas of the business, and it’s not the right solution for every workplace need. Let’s step away from the digital carousel for a moment, and discuss why your business needs do not stop with digital.
The tangible output is still of value
Digital channels serve a core function, but sometimes they are no match for tactile experience. You can see this across all fields. Imagine you are about to buy a home off the plan and have researched every detail on their website over and over. When you receive the physical floorplans and brochures it all somehow becomes more real, more tangible. You should be looking to replicate this with your customers and clients, in addition to digital engagement. There is a reason you continue to buy cartridges online, and it’s because the need to print and present an idea or promise is still a priority for all businesses and their customers.
It’s a narrow-minded approach to targeting an audience
Many of us are on digital channels, sure. Although can you say your entire audience is? Of course not. This is why a blended approach to marketing and engagement is required, utilising digital and mainstream channels. Even if your targeted audience is millennials, you will often find that they may not be the ones purchasing or looking for your products, but instead, another audience segment is. Digital doesn’t discriminate against age, but there is less uptake in older generations that you may be failing to target. Commercial gain aside, you are also excluding an audience from hearing and seeing your message which may not be your intention.
What works for one, doesn’t work for all
If your business is enjoying great success without a heavy digital presence, then what’s the reason for exploring digital? What works for a competitor may not work for you, and it could only serve to take your eye off the channels and frameworks that have brought you your success. Most businesses will have some digital function, but these should be selected based on their merit and purpose, rather than just doing something for the sake of it. A doctors clinic will likely not have a need for a Facebook and Instagram page or a robust CRM strategy. Your clients are not suggestable to your service, they need it when they are unwell. Your quarterly phone call or letterbox drop may be just what you need, with a website that contains all your information. Find a balance that is relevant for your offering.
It’s your people that shine brightest
Replacing members of your workforce with a platform, subscription or automation is a reality in 2019. Although it doesn’t have to be. Having a team member talking to your customers on the phone or in-person is an opportunity to impart your brand message and essence exactly how you want it. This isn’t impossible with digital, but it doesn’t pack the same humanity that your audience may be looking for. Once you have a dedicated brand advocate in your corner, you can interact through digital channels, but try and make that first connection non-digital. The same goes for brokering partnerships. These don’t arise from Bot communication or SEO, they are forged outside of your digital function.
One would be foolish to alienate digital from their business, but you should be measured about what you choose to take online and what you retain with humanity. Taking a blended approach will deliver greater results, with an entirely digital dependance too risky to consider.