
Top 10 skills your Angular developers must have

At any given time, there are thousands of packages and modules available to help developers do what they need to do. When you hire Angular developers, they should be well-versed in these modules to quickly pick the suitable library or tool for their task.

There are some skills that Angular developers must have to build awesome progressive web apps for your site or application interface. 

Top 10 skills your Angular Developers must have

1. Hands-on with TypeScript

TypeScript is a JavaScript language designed to provide developers with a solid foundation for creating large-scale web applications. It compiles to JavaScript, so you’ll be able to call into native JavaScript libraries like jQuery and AngularJS.

Developers, like most people, are constantly looking for new skills to add to their respective skill sets. And with the rise of modern web development frameworks like AngularJS, developers are now stepping into an entirely new area of expertise. Hence, you can easily hire AngularJS developers.

2. Understanding Observables

Observables are one of the most powerful and yet under-utilized features of Angular. They’re easy to use and can help you build better applications. But it can be challenging to know precisely when to use them, so here’s a primer on what they are and how to use them effectively.

It can be challenging to know which one will work best for your project with so many libraries and tools to choose from. Understanding Observables will help you select the right solution for your application, and in the process, you’ll save time and money because you won’t have to write countless lines of boilerplate code.

3. Experience with Angular CLI

The Angular CLI has been a game-changer in the world of frontend development. It makes it incredibly easy to get started with this framework, whether you’re new to the platform or an experienced developer.

 With the Angular CLI, you can publish your Angular application to CDN, npm and local web servers. It also comes with tools for building and testing your application.

The Angular CLI gives you a set of tools that can help you build your projects with ease―often reducing the number of steps required to complete a task from several dozen or even hundreds down to just a few.

4. Fluency in the latest changes of the language

It can be daunting to pick up a new language, but Angular developers need to be fluent in the latest language changes. If an update to Angular is released before you’re ready, you’ll have to wait for your project to be updated. Always hire a dedicated Angular developer.

The best way to learn new features is by taking an online course or attending a conference. Additionally, if you’re working with a team of developers who are also learning the language, it will make your job easier when you start implementing new features.

5. Knowing lazy loading and AoT compilation

Lazy loading is a technique that allows for the delivery of only the parts of the code that are needed at runtime. This can avoid unnecessary requests from your page, leading to a faster load time and a better user experience. AoT compilation is a tool built into the Angular framework that dramatically speeds up the compilation process of your project so that you can deploy new features more quickly.

AngularJS uses lazy loading to load the modules on the page before they are requested. AoT compilation runs on the server and compiles your JavaScript files into smaller, faster versions before sending them to the client. Both of these features will help your users load faster and use less memory on their devices.

6. Handling JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

The Angular developer should also understand JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and be comfortable handling JSON. It’s a way of structuring your data so it can be easily read by machines (like your web browser).

It uses key-value pairs, which makes it easy to read and understand when compared to XML. If you’re building an app that needs to grab information from a web service or database, JSON is the format you want to use.

7. Docker Basics

Docker is a containerizing platform for applications and services. It gives us a lot of freedom when it comes to deployment and operations. Docker keeps track of the state of an application and provides a way to roll back to known conditions in case problems occur while running an app or service in production.

It’s an open platform for developers and sysadmins who want to use containers for packaging their apps and deploying them confidently.

8. Building Git

Git is a version control system that makes storing and managing source code easier for teams to collaborate easily and get the most out of their time working together on projects.

It is widely used by large organizations such as Google, Facebook, and Apple, among others, because it keeps track of everything you do, including commits, merges, branches pull requests, etc.

9. NPM Modules Fundamentals

NPM modules Fundamentals are how all frontend developers should interact with Node.js modules. This includes npm install, installing dependencies, and writing code that provides for them.

It also has what is known as “dependency injection” — passing dependencies into functions instead of hardcoding them in the processes themselves. Hire a dedicated AngularJS developer who builds business applications and understands the fundamental concepts behind NPM Modules.

The ability to work with NPM modules is essential for an excellent Angular developer. All applications — even those that don’t use JavaScript — need to load modules from the Node Package Manager (NPM). Without it, an application cannot function. It’s also a major cause of bugs and maintenance problems.

10. Codelyzer Analysis

Codelyzer was created by a team of engineers who have been using Angular for years. It’s a code analysis tool that detects potential bugs and issues in your Angular application and helps you find the best practices to improve your code. 

If you’re using Angular, then you’ve got one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks out there. This is great because it means that you can build genuinely excellent apps, but it comes at the price of complexity. Hence, be aware when you need to hire AngularJS programmers

There are many moving parts in an app built with Angular, and different regions are prone to bugs. If you want to make sure your app runs smoothly for years, you need to ensure that all the parts are working correctly.


It’s not just about how much code you write. It’s about the quality of your code. Aside from technical skills, there are other skills your developers must have to perform to their best. This is especially true in larger teams where many people are contributing to each project.

The Angular developers’ skills are varied as the business requirements as well as the features. A candidate needs to have proficiency in the above critical skills to ensure their success in the job.

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