Is It Possible to Earn CompTIA Network+ Without Having Any Experience or Not? That’s the Question!


If you are planning to obtain the COMPTIA NETWORK+ credential, you will surely ask yourself if you can get it without having some expertise. To answer this question, you need to know certain details regarding this badge, because there are special aspects that you should understand.CompTIA Network+

When you visit the official website, you will see a list of requirements that qualify you to earn the certificate. One such requirement is a minimum of five years of security experience. This can dampen your spirit, especially when you feel that you have what it takes to pass the qualification exam and get the badge. Well, do you have to wait until you meet five years of work experience before you can take the Network+ Practice Test test? Or can you pursue the certificate without the required work experience?

Well, the answer is yes. You can obtain your certification without first gaining the necessary experience. For instance, if you have two years of networking experience, you can still take the COMPTIA NETWORK+ exam. Even if all you have is a Master’s degree without any job experience, you can still sit for the test. Any individuals can pass it with or without experience. However, there are some particular features that you should know about. In this article, we will help you understand these details, so let’s start our overview.

What do you need to know before taking the COMPTIA NETWORK+ exam?

First of all, you should know that the test has 100-150 questions that you need to clear within 3 hours. If you want to take the non-English version of the exam, you have to be ready for 250 questions and 6 hours. To get the badge, you have to score 700 points out of 1000.

Although anyone can take this certification exam, it is not recommended that you go through it without any experience. With no security experience, it will be quite difficult to pass the test. You may need to study for months before you can understand the foundational components. Of course, it is possible to pass the exam without it but it is not recommended.

This is why recommends that the students have at least five years of hands-on security experience before taking the exam. Now, don’t take this the wrong way. You can pass it without the prior security experience. If you are willing to study and give it all it takes, you can take your certification test at the first attempt. Many applicants who pass it on their first try often use exam dumps and practice tests as part of their study tools.

Obtaining CompTIA Network+ without prerequisite experience

It is recommended that the learners have at least five years of security experience before taking the exam. Those individuals who pass it with the required expertise will receive an email from to notify them to go ahead with the endorsement process. You have to submit the required documents to after which you will receive a packaged mail letting you know of your official CompTIA Network+ Practice Test designation.

Those students who pass the exam without the necessary experience still can get the badge. However, you will become an Associate of and continue to pay the annual membership fee and submit your CPE credits to maintain your certificate. After getting certified, it becomes easier to get a security job and you can get work experience. You have up to six years to achieve the required five years of expertise.


So, there you have it. You can pursue your CompTIA Network+ without experience. You will earn a badge of the lower level to get into the field and start to absorb the required knowledge and experience. You have six years to fulfill this requirement after passing your exam. So, if you are ready to put your all hard work to the task, just go for it.

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