How to Create a Strong Email Password?

create a strong email password
Create a strong email password

Your email provides an insight into your data, which needs security from cyber criminals. Creating a strong password is one way you can keep your email secure, which may seem like a daunting task, specifically when the suggestion is to have a unique password for your email. Hence it is advisable to create a unique password so that all your information remains safe and secure to keep your business data safe from hackers.

How does a password gets hacked? 

You must have always seen a piece of advice whenever you go online to create a strong password. It usually gets stolen in data breaches.  It is something that you are going to use today, tomorrow, and for the foreseeable future. Before proceeding further, you must first evaluate how the password gets hacked so that you can take steps to keep your password safe.

Brute force attack

You must have heard that it is better to have a longer password. Hackers use bruise force attacks to encrypt your data. In this, they use all possible passwords until they come up with the right one. If you have a simple password, your account could get easily hacked. It is one of the most familiar forms of password attack methods and is more comfortable for hackers to employ.

Dictionary attack 

The hackers use a program That uses words from the pre-arranged list as present in a dictionary. It takes advantage of the fact that people tend to use common phrases and short passwords.


It is quite a common hacking technique used by cyber criminals. Phishing is the practice of attempting to steal user data by masking malicious content as reliable information.

Ways to strengthen email security

Strong passwords are crucial for online security, but you need to create different passwords that you can remember.

Let us discuss how to create a unique and robust password and strengthen your email security to protect your email from being hacked by fraudsters.

Avoid using obvious passwords 

People tend to use “password” as their password, and it is wrong. Strong passwords can easily protect your device from password attacks. It would help if you also created passwords with symbols and numbers having at least eight characters or more or by using a combination of lower and upper case letters.


A passphrase is an assemblage of words combined aimlessly into a phrase.You must continuously use unusual terms. The best passwords are that are simple for you to recall and difficult for hackers to crack.

The sentence method

This method involves using random sentences and making it a password using a rule using every word’s first two letters. It is quite tricky and useful for small and big business owners.

Use of password manager

Strong passwords contain more than eight characters and have various names, numbers, and special symbols, and are hard to guess. They are difficult to remember, primarily if you use a different login for every site. Password managers who create and store strong, lengthy passwords become more comfortable with a trusted password manager.

These best practices protect against widespread password attacks. Persistent monitoring of attack trends can indicate emerging threats, guiding businesses toward better access management tools as new technology becomes available.

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