Microsoft Will Soon Introduce The Windows 10 April 2018 Update With Timeline, Focus Assist And More
Microsoft will soon roll out the April 2018 update for Windows 10 users across the world which adds a good number of features on top of the Fall Creators Update came in October last year. However, since then we have been seeing the upcoming features in several insider updates & finally the features are going to be available for everyone in the upcoming update.
The April 2018 update will introduce several features like Timeline, Focus Assist, Dictation & more.
If we break it down, Timeline is a summery of your tasks that you’ve done on your computer from about a month. You can see what you have done with Microsoft Edge or see your Media files, Documents etc.
Focus Assist can help users decide, what notifications they want to see & which ones they want to avoid for a certain time span or a particular situation. For example, if you’re working & you want to receive e-mail notifications from a particular person & avoid all the other notifications, you can.
Dictation lets the user type in text fields with your voice. So, it’s kinda like what you would expect from any voice to text application. What we have tested so far in the insider preview build, it’s not perfect but it does the job pretty well with minor fails time to time. However, we expect it to improve with updates from Microsoft in the future.
Also there are several other improvements for Microsoft Edge, Cortana and more. Oh, and remember the Prefered GPU Selection for a particular application on Multi-GPU systems? That’s hopefully included as well.
The update will start rolling out sometime soon so, probably in a couple of days or something. So, if you use Windows 10 as your daily operating system then, some useful new features are coming your way. Also, click here to know more about the Windows 10 Product Key.