Solution to iOS Update: Error “Not Enough Space To Update”


While updating your iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch), you might come across an error message “Not Enough Space To Update.” This message occurs during wireless update. If this is the error while updating your iOS device, then there is a solution for it.

There are two solutions to do this:

  1. Update Using iTune
  2. Updating Wirelessly

Note: Before you update your Device, make sure to backup your content to your iTune or iCloud. This will help you from losing your data. Make sure that your battery is above 50% while doing it wirelessly.

Update your iOS Device With iTunes:

Steps To Update iOS Through iTunes:


iOS 8.1-install-using-iTunes

  1. Plug your device on your PC/Mac and check with the latest version of your iTunes.
  2. Select your device in iTunes.
  3. The summary panel of your device will be shown where you can install and update your device.
  4. If the error message “Not Enough Space To Update,” occurs you will have to delete the content manually and re-install the iOS.

Update Your iOS Device Wirelessly:

Step To Update iOS Device Wirelessly:

Updating your iOS device wirelessly is one of the easiest ways to do it. Before you start updating make sure that you have enough battery to support, or else connect to the power source.

  1. Go to Settings ->General->Software Update.
  2. Tap on download and install.

Just with this two simple steps will automatically update your iOS device to the latest version. But, in case, if come across the same error “Not Enough Space To Update,” then delete the content manually and re-install the iOS.

Delete Content Manually In iOS Devices:

Here is the solution/tips to delete your content manually.

  1. Go to setting.
  2. Tap General->Usage->Manage Storage.
  3. You see the apps and the space they are utilizing, you can delete the apps that aren’t needed and which are utilizing a lot of space.

If you have any other issues, feel free to mail us.


Must Also Read:
  1. error code 805a8011
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